(Online) New Moon Sadhana of Mahamudra Practice
[Hybrid] A Spiritual Approach to Healing Retreat
with Alain Beauregard
According to some spiritual traditions, serious illnesses like cancer can be a wakeup call. When we look at some of the deeper aspects of our being – such as spirituality, and decide to radically change the way we have been living so far, it may be possible to heal our entire being.
[Online]: A Spiritual Approach to Healing
with Alain Beauregard
According to some spiritual traditions, serious illnesses like cancer can be a wakeup call. When we look at some of the deeper aspects of our being – such as spirituality, and decide to radically change the way we have been living so far, it may be possible to heal our entire being.
Diamond Sky Dancer - Vajrayogini Retreat
with Rhea Colmar and Mark Nowakowski
Practice and study your sadhana in the circle of the sky, surrounded by earth, water, fire, and all the elements. Rhea and Mark will lead practice, and point out some things they have learned along the way. We will practice four sessions a day, with an open conversation at lunch.