Diamond Sky Dancer - Vajrayogini Retreat

with Rhea Colmar and Mark Nowakowski

October 3 - 12, 2025

Register now and get CAD $100.00 off the program price. Offer valid until Sep 2, 2025.

Date and Time Details: Arrival Friday October 3 between noon and 3pm. Dinner at 6:30pm. Departure Sunday October 12 after lunch at noon.

Location: Dorje Denma Ling

Address: 2280 Balmoral Road, The Falls, NS B0K 1V0, Canada

Contact: Alex Gillespie

  • Drala Cabin: Single Occupancy (150/night) – CAD $1,728.00
  • Gyatso Lodge: Single Occupancy (130/night) – CAD $1,548.00
  • Lodge: Double Occupancy – CAD $918.00
  • Drala Cabin: Double Occupancy – CAD $918.00
  • Shrine Room Floor: Garuda – CAD $603.00
  • Live or Staying Locally – CAD $378.00

Dear Vajrayogini,

You are warmly invited to join us for ten days of meditation. We will be practicing and studying your sadhana in the circle of the sky, surrounded by earth, water, fire, and all the elements.

Rhea and Mark will lead us in the practice, and point out some things they have learned along the way. We will practice four sessions a day, with an open conversation at lunch.

There will be one daily teaching on the view and practice with lively and provocative discussions. Each day there will be one or two short sessions of moving meditation.

We welcome both fresh and seasoned yoginis. The teachings will adjust to whoever is attending. We will also have some sessions for (re)learning specific parts of the sadhana, including mantras, mudras, and mandalas. Aimless wandering in nature and spontaneous dancing in space will also arise!

Lungs for some of the Vidyadhara’s practice texts and termas from Tibet will be offered.

Thangka by Tara di Gesu: https://taradigesu.com/

Practice Materials

Vajrayogini Sadhana, Vajrayogini Manual, and any other related VY practices and texts

Who Should Attend

This is a vajrayana program restricted to sadhakas who have received the Vajrayogini abhisheka and have the Vajrayogini Sadhana by Tongwa Tonden, Karmapa VI. If you are still completing your Ngöndro you need to have completed the refuge, prostrations, and Vajrasattva mantra, and have begun the mandala and/or guru yoga.

If you have questions about if you can attend, please contact Mark Nowakowski at mnowakowski108@gmail.com

Schedule Overview

Partial Attendance

    • Please attend the full retreat if you can. You may attend just the first weekend if that’s all you can do.
    • Attendance at the final weekend and feast will be just for those who attend the full retreat.


October 3 (Arrival Day)

    • Check-in is open from 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Please try to arrive before 5 pm to settle in before dinner if you are able to.
    • Dinner is at 6:30.
    • There will be an orientation and first teaching session at 7:30 after dinner.


October 4 – 11

    • 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 p. m.
      Four sessions, includes breaks for meals and rest time.


October 12 (Final and Departure Day)

  • 8:00 a.m.: Breakfast
  • 9:00 Final practice and teaching closing session
  • 12:00 Lunch and Departure


All prices are in $CAD. Please consider paying by e-transfer, cheque, or cash. Saving transaction fees helps us keep the Centre going.

Tuition & Meals:

$855 – full retreat from October 25-November 3

Partial attendance – $275 for the first weekend, Oct 3-5, plus $100 for each additional day attended October 5-10 ($775 for maximum partial attendance, Oct 5-10)

Lodging: Extra: varies by type. Visit the Registration Form or this page for a list of options and pricing.

Generosity Policy: We have a donor-supported pay what you can policy and scholarships available. If you need financial assistance in order to attend, please complete this form and our Finance Director will contact you. If you have questions or would like to set up a payment plan, contact our Finance Department at finance@dorjedenmaling.com.

Covid Considerations

Please read the full details of our Covid policy here.

Registration and Cancellation Policies

Please take note that our registration and cancellation policies have been updated. You can read our registration and cancellation policies here.

Useful Links

What to Bring & Expect at DDL
How to Get Here

About the Leaders

Rhea Colmar

Rhea Colmar considers herself a student in the lineage of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche as well as other contemporary Buddhist teachers.  As a public health nurse, Rhea is interested in the intersection of meditation, health, and well-being, on both the individual and societal levels. She has a background in dance and massage & bodywork. Recently, she […]

Learn more about Rhea Colmar

Mark Nowakowski

Mark Nowakowski met the Vidyadhara Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche in 1972 and has been his student ever since. He currently studies with other Kagyü and Nyingma masters. Mark is particularly inspired by the works of Chögyam Trungpa and his teacher Khenpo Gangshar. He coordinated the translation and recent publication of Khenpo Gangshar’s Songs of Realization and Pith Instructions. Mark […]

Learn more about Mark Nowakowski

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