Mahamudra Werma Retreat
with Richard John
July 14 - 21, 2023
Please join us at Dorje Denma Ling for a special opportunity to enjoy Werma practice together. Now that travel and gatherings are possible, this could be a powerful way for vajrayana students to reconnect with Shambhala culture.
Although many are familiar with the Werma Sadhana as an expression of lungta and enlightened society, in essence it is also a manifestation of the subtle wisdom of mahamudra and dzogchen. We will explore this wisdom in depth with guidance from great lineage masters.
The retreat will comprise morning and afternoon practice sessions, talks and commentary, and time for discussion. Topics will include:
- Ashe as Pointing Out Transmission
- Windhorse as Abrupt and Gradual Practice
- Three Kayas and Three Samadhis
During this retreat, in addition to practising the sadhana itself, we will practise the pith instructions on recognizing and resting in the nature of mind.
Who Should Attend
Participants must have received Werma transmission and vajrayana pointing out transmission within the Shambhala or Vajradhatu mandala.
If you have any questions about your eligibility, please email
Overview of the Schedule
July 14
Arrival Day
6:30 pm Dinner
7:45 pm Orientation & Opening Talk
July 15 – 20
7:00 to 8:30 pm
Each day will include breaks for meals, mid-day break, and tea.
July 20 will end with a celebratory Werma Feast.
July 21
7:00 to 12:30 pm
Departure after lunch.
Tuition: $450 CAD
Meals Service: $140 CAD
Accommodations: Extra. Prices vary according to your choice. (For a list of options, please visit the Registration Page.)
Heart Gifts
As is customary at retreats, there will be an opportunity to offer a monetary heart gift for the teacher towards the end of this program. It is a wonderful way to express your gratitude for receiving the profound vajrayana teachings.
The heart gift is completely voluntary according to your inspiration and financial means, and there is no suggested amount. We will provide an opportunity for you to offer a gift if you are inspired to do so.
Covid Considerations
Please read the full details of our Covid policy here.
Useful Links
About the Leader

Richard John
An early student of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Richard served as acharya for Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche for 20 years. He completed the traditional Buddhist three-year retreat at Gampo Abbey, and has led mahamudra retreats for 25 years. Richard and his wife Liz reside in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Learn more about Richard JohnCategories : Advanced Program, On-Land Programs & Events